Exchange point requests for IPv6 address space

Mark Kosters markk at
Wed May 9 20:05:49 EDT 2001

On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 08:23:23AM -0400, Richard Jimmerson wrote:
> The ARIN region currently has a policy in place for exchange 
> points that applies to IPv4.  This policy can be found under 
> the heading "Micro-allocations" at

On the positive side, I think this is a good thing to start debating micro 
allocations for IPv6. In addition to the exchange points, the root server 
folx have debated the type of allocation (all IPv6 roots in one block vs 
separate small blocks vs size of the blocks). It would be good to hear what the
ARIN membership would desire to carry within their routing tables regarding 
roots and other critical infrastructure needs for IPv6.

On the negative side, would it be premature to debate this since one has
not put any stake in the ground on what goes to the left of the /48 wrt IANA,
RIR's and LIR's/ISP's? Does it matter?



Mark Kosters             markk at       Verisign Applied Research
PGP Key fingerprint =  1A 2A 92 F8 8E D3 47 F9  15 65 80 87 68 13 F6 48

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