IP Space

Clayton Lambert Clay at exodus.net
Mon Oct 23 21:36:42 EDT 2000

Hi David,

Actually, I addressed it in march during the forum, and it was a strong
justification point for approving the policy.  Simply stated, if there are
exceptions they must be documentented. Exceptions must not be vendor
specific, and only protocol specific. And, as http1.1 is the accepted
protocol in this discussion, http 1.0 is excluded from the protocol
exception criteria.

-Clayton Lambert
Exodus Communications

-----Original Message-----
From: policy-request at arin.net [mailto:policy-request at arin.net]On Behalf
Of AveHost.com Staff
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 2:42 AM
To: David R Huberman; susan at lh.net
Cc: Policy at Arin. Net
Subject: RE: IP Space


Below is a previous posting just last month on this mailist, I quote:

> Can I tell all my customers to call you when their online business drops
> by almost 50%.  By the way, can you use a shared IP for secure server
> certificates?

No, you can't, which is why there are exceptions to the policy.  Granted
there isn't a specific exception for SSL, which I think is one place where
the group (myself included) erred in Calgary last March."

AveHost.com Staff
AveHost.com, a service of RegSearch International

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