Let us all bend over, apply the Vaseline...

Bob Atkins bob at DigiLink.Net
Wed Apr 30 22:50:42 EDT 1997

> Paul is to kind with his words.  Bob, the only other choice is to leave IP
> numbers with in the control of NSI and the SAIC stockholders.  Wanna see
> some monopoly prices then!!!!???  Instead ARIN will be independent and
> owned by its members....isp ISP members and responsible to them.  you can
> afford 2500 bucks a yer for a class 19????   then don't join and get it
> from your upstream with out the charge.  But hell *I* could damned near
> afford 2500 A year for something as important as this.  Management
> operating on behalf of stockholders will be much more prepared to stick
> itto you than arin.

Today it will be $2500, which I already consider ridiculously high.

Tomorrow what will it be? 

The idea of paying such a high recurring cost for IP space is absurd
and only goes to justify a bloated $3M annual budget.

I'm not suggesting that the IP registery remain with NSI either. But knowing
the potential for large organization to dominate a function like ARIN and
use it to further ensure a controlling market position doesn't help
me sleep well either.


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> On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, Bob Atkins wrote:
> > 
> > I can't believe what I've read....
> > 
> > $3M/year to maintain an IP address registery???
> > 
> > $2500/year for a /19 block of IP space ???
> > 
> > Please, please, tell me where you all get your drugs... I want some!!
> > 
> > This is an incredble example of monopolistic management. How could
> > this come to pass? And why are we letting it happen? Probably because
> > *we* have no choice!
> > 
> > All I can say is that most of what I have read regarding routability
> > issues and the 'overhead' that would be required to ensure routability
> > of ARIN assigned address space is at best a joke and at worst a
> > complete farce that is the result of utter denial.
> > 
> > What we are talking about is maintenance of a simple database. And
> > the maintenance as it turns out will be performed predominately by
> > the ISPs themselves. The registry doesn't even have to operate any
> > significant number of systems but even for argument's sake suppose
> > they need to run say 10 servers, a T1 to the 'net. Facilities, a staff
> > of 5-8 etc. At *most* the annual budget would be $500,000 and that
> > would be allowing for some pretty generous salaries.
> > 
> > No doubt with ARIN's $3M budget there will be some very well
> > compensated individuals. Non-profit doesn't mean that individuals
> > working for the organiztion have to make reasonable salaries.
> > 
> > I would be glad to bid on providing the services that ARIN will and we
> > would provide them for a *fraction* of what is being proposed. We will
> > be efficient and properly staffed with the necessary expertise. But of
> > course the IP registery didn't come up for public bid, did it?
> > 
> > Please advise if a class action lawsuit has been filed against this
> > obvious monopoly, we would be glad to join and to contribute to
> > whatever effort would ensure that such a monopoly could not come into
> > being and that the opportunity to bid on providing such a service would
> > be established.  Network Solutions already has the monopoly on control
> > of the top level domain registeries, we should not permit this to
> > happen for the IP registery. Should such a lawsuit be filed it may also
> > be worthwhile to challenge the Network Solutions domain registery
> > monopoly in the process.
> > 
> > I also doubt that any of the discussion that occurs in this list or
> > in any other forum will change the direction that is being taken.
> > Clearly if a lawsuit hasn't been filed to block ARIN then one should.
> > Unfortunately, I'm fairly sure that decisions will be made by certain
> > individuals or organizations and that the only way to modify their
> > action is by legal intervention. Anything else is just noise....
> > 
> > ---
> > ===========================================================================
> > Bob Atkins, President			| bob at digilink.net
> > Digilink Network Services		| http://www.DigiLink.Net/
> > Switched ISDN Internet Access		| mailto:info at DigiLink.Net
> > 310-577-9450		"Our business is your network"
> > ===========================================================================
> > The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the
> > crowd.  The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no
> > one has ever been.
> >                 -- Alan Ashley-Pitt
> > 
> > 

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