Global council of registries???

Jim Fleming JimFleming at
Mon Apr 28 14:17:18 EDT 1997

On Monday, April 28, 1997 9:11 AM, Philip J. Nesser II[SMTP:pjnesser at] wrote:
@ Jim Fleming supposedly said:
@ > Here is a minimal "round table" for starters,
@ > in alphabetic order...
@ > 
@ > 	AlterNIC
@ > 	APNIC
@ > 	eDNS
@ > 	IAHC
@ > 	InterNIC
@ >
@ > 	RIPE
@ > 
@ Why don't we just include groups that do IP address assignments (ie APNIC,
@ ARIN, RIPE & IANA, later to any other regional IP registries (ie, Africa,
@ Carribean, & Soth America).  I don't see any reason that the other
@ organizations you name should be involved.  No matter how often you try and
@ connect IP address assignments and DNS name structure, no one else wants
@ them linked.
@ --->  Phil

The FAIR allocation of Internet resources is a business,
they are linked via that tie...

The Registry Industry is a business, they are linked
via that...

Once this industry matures, you might be able to
pull them apart...there are pros and cons to doing that...



In many States, drivers licenses and license plates
for cars are handled by the same "agency". Why ???
It makes for better efficiency and service to the
consumers and similar expertise is involved in the
car licensing business...

Sure car licenses could be in one agency, drivers
licenses in another and car titles in a third. The
question is why ?


In the case of ARIN, it boils down to people's desire
to continue to fund "control freaks" to handle part
of the business of Internet resource allocation rather
than allow the function to be distributed.

In my opinion, the general public is not properly
served by the ARIN scam which would be like saying
anyone can get a driver's license but car licenses
will be tightly controlled and still part of the "good old
geek" network...

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

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