New Database template questions - Org name creation

Dawn Martin Dawn.Martin at
Tue Apr 16 15:28:43 EDT 2002

Just wondering why a ticket can not be automatically assigned and
the org ID request processed quicker. If a company is wanting to
send in a request for an ASN (short template, short turn around
time if completed correctly) the process is just getting longer.

Other companies are able to process requests very quickly, isn't
there other ways that ARIN can assign an org-id that doesn't extend
the processing time?

Infusing a process within another process only tends to irritate

-Dawn Martin

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Dawn Martin wrote:

>>   I would like to find out how long it is going to take to
>> generate an Org ID. If it is web-based I would like to see
>> this be nearly instant, so people don't need to wait for
>> email etc. I think email should be sent but if the org ID could
>> be displayed once the user requests one on the web they can
>> then immediately use a text or web based template to request
>> what they are really trying to do.

Ginny Listman:

> Since our production database is behind the firewall and all
> will need to be processed by our Ticketing System first, we will be
> to provide an instant response. However, the org templates will be
> auto-processed, reducing the turn around time.

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