Maximum number of DNS servers

Paul Gampe paulg at
Wed Apr 26 19:21:22 EDT 2000

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Shane Kerr wrote:

kerr>I'm working on some of the requirements for the new system, and
kerr>I had a quick question:  we can either use a 1 or 2 digit number
kerr>to order IN-ADDR.ARPA servers in our database.  Can anyone think
kerr>of a reason to need more than 10 servers?

Hi Shane,

The response to a DNS query for NS records will need to fit into a udp
packet which limits you to 512 octets. [rfc1035]  The root servers have
the same constraint and cannot exceed 13, so it would be highly unlikely
for you to need more then 2 digits I imagine.


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