[arin-tech-discuss] Multiple simple reassigns to a single customer?

Aaron Hughes aaronh at bind.com
Fri Sep 16 13:25:07 EDT 2011

I thought the process was:
1) Create a customer record
2) reassign simple
if additional assignments needed:
	1) select stored arin_cust_id
	2) reassign to same arin_cust_id

But.. This is the response I get from the server when I attempt to simple reassign a second block:

What is the expected behavior and process?


    [additionalInfo] => SimpleXMLElement Object

    [components] => SimpleXMLElement Object
            [component] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [message] => This customer organization already has a network assigned to it. You may only sub-delegate one simple reassignment per customer organization.
                    [name] => customerHandle


    [message] => Payload entity failed to validate; see component messages for details.


Aaron Hughes 
aaronh at bind.com
Key fingerprint = AD 67 37 60 7D 73 C5 B7 33 18 3F 36 C3 1C C6 B8

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