[arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2025-2: Clarify 8.5.1 Registration Services Agreement

Reese, Gus gReese at Cogentco.com
Tue Mar 4 21:03:29 EST 2025

Greetings PPML,

As primary shepherd of Draft Policy ARIN-2025-2 I would welcome any feedback on the proposed change.

Draft Policy ARIN-2025-2: Clarify 8.5.1 Registration Services Agreement

Problem Statement:

The current policy mandates that entities receiving transferred resources sign a new RSA unless they have an RSA on file no older than the last two versions. However, defining RSA versioning requirements within the NRPM does not align with the Policy Development Process (PDP) guidelines, as determining which RSA version is considered current is a business decision rather than a policy matter.

Policy statement:

Remove (within the last two versions) from 8.5.1 to state: The receiving entity must sign an RSA covering all resources to be transferred unless that entity has a current RSA on file per ARIN business practices.

For reference here is the existing text in the NRPM:

8.5.1. Registration Services Agreement
The receiving entity must sign an RSA covering all resources to be transferred unless that entity has a current (within the last two versions) RSA on file.

Here is the link to the draft policies in 2016 where 8.5.1 was introduced and the corresponding staff review of it (scroll to the bottom) - https://www.arin.net/vault/participate/policy/drafts/2016/2016_5/

Thank you!

Gus & Kendrick
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