[arin-ppml] Request for Feedback: Draft Policy ARIN-2024-8 Restrict the Largest Initial IPv6 Allocation to /20

Elizabeth Goodson elizabeth.goodson at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 15:12:22 EDT 2024

Hello PPML,

As lead shepherd on ARIN-2024-8, I'm reaching out for additional feedback
from the community on this policy following the robust discussion here in

The previous discussion did not come to a clear community consensus with
opinions falling in multiple categories (in no particular order):
- /20 is a reasonable limit, support the Draft Policy as written
- /16 is a reasonable limit, keep current NRPM
- Allow initial allocations above a certain size that are not on a nibble
boundary (e.g. /19, /18, /17)
- Add clarification about what designs would not justify a certain size
initial allocation (e.g. 6RD)

Questions for the community:
- Do you support the draft policy as written?
- If not, can the policy be changed so you would support it? What change(s)
do you support?
- Should the community continue to work on the policy or abandon it?

Liz Goodson

Problem Statement:
In order to promote aggregation, the NRPM currently allows initial
allocations up to a /16. However, the entire IPv6 address space only
contains 65536 /16s, and the space allocated to IANA for globally routable
purposes only contains 8192 /16s. Therefore, a /16 is a sufficiently large
portion of the IPv6 address space that the goal of conservation starts to
outweigh the goal of aggregation.

Policy Statement: Replace "In no case shall an ISP receive more than a /16 initial
allocation." with "In no case shall a LIR receive more than a /20 initial
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