[arin-ppml] Section 6.1 – Potential Simplification (from the NRPM Working Group)

Christian Tacit ctacit at tacitlaw.com
Mon Nov 13 15:01:06 EST 2023

Dear ARIN Community Members,
Section 6.1 (and more particularly section 6.1.1) of the NRPM does not contain any policy per se. Rather, it provides some background related to the development of the policies for the allocation and assignment of IPv6 space that are contained in the balance of Section 6. This background is now well known. For this reason, the NRPM Working Group is of the view that section 6.1 (and section 6.1.1, which is the only section within section 6.1) could be retired.
We now seek input from the Community regarding whether there is support for such a change.
Thank you.
Kind regards,

Chris Tacit
NRPM Working Group Chair
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