[arin-ppml] ARIN-prop-139 No reassignment without networkservice

Matthew Kaufman matthew at matthew.at
Tue Apr 12 19:38:46 EDT 2011

Perhaps someone would like to offer an opinion on whether or not the 
following services would be permitted under the proposed policy:

1) I sell you Internet transit over a T-1 loop and let you use a /20 of 
my space.

2) I sell you Internet transit over a GRE tunnel and let you use a /20 
of my space.

3) I sell you Internet transit over a GRE tunnel, let you use a /20 of 
my space, and give you a letter (LOA) allowing you to have a second 
transit provider announce that /20 so that you may multihome using the 

4) I sell you inbound-only Internet transit over a GRE tunnel (I 
black-hole any traffic you send me), let you use a /20 of my space, give 
you the LOA.

5) I sell you cheap and limited Internet transit over a GRE tunnel, but 
my only connectivity is a single peer at a regional exchange, so you 
can't get to "the whole Internet" without using the LOA and multihoming 
(which I allow)

6) I sell you a "network service" over a GRE tunnel which lets you 
access a few servers I run in RFC1918 space that you can store backups 
on, I let you use a /20 of my space at your end to access those servers, 
and I give you an LOA so you can also use this space with your other 
transit provider.

7) We forget the above GRE tunnel nonsense because it is a waste of time 
to pretend we actually set it up, I sell you use of a /20 of my space 
and give you the LOA.

Matthew Kaufman

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