[arin-ppml] The AC has a job to do with 2009-1, can you please help?

David Farmer farmer at umn.edu
Mon Apr 6 15:02:41 EDT 2009

On 6 Apr 2009 Joe Maimon wrote:

> The more I consider it, the less the idea of a sunset clause appeals.
> A policy that works as intended should either obsolete itself or not 
> require any obsoletion. If it does not work as intended, thats what the 
> BoT emergency powers are for and a sunset would most likely be too late 
> to the part anyway.

So, I personally really don't care one way or another on the 
sunset clause for a Transfer Policy, I can take it or leave it.

But lately I've hearing a lot of opposition to have a policy with a 
sunset clause.  And at least the way it is being presented, it 
isn't mealy opposition to a sunset clause on a Transfer policy, 
but a more philosophical opposition to any policy with a sunset 

Then why do we allow for a Policy Term in the Policy 
Template?   If all policies should be Permanent, which is what 
people seem to be saying, should we just eliminate this from 
the Policy Template?

>From the Policy Template;

Policy term 

How long will the policy remain in effect? Is it intended to be 
temporary, permanent, or renewable?

This seems to imply to me that at least some policies are 
intended to have a term other than forever or until otherwised 
removed by another policy action.

And, Joe I don't mean to pick on you, your message just 
happened to be the most convenient.

David Farmer				     Email:	
farmer at umn.edu
Office of Information Technology
Networking & Telecomunication Services
University of Minnesota			     Phone:	612-626-
2218 University Ave SE			     Cell:		
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029		     FAX:	612-626-

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