[arin-ppml] ARIN releases new version of the Legacy Registration

John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Sat Sep 6 21:39:15 EDT 2008

On Sep 6, 2008, at 8:21 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:
>  ARIN didn't issue these resources.  Duh.

"ARIN didn't issue these resources" is correct, but belies
the complexity of the situation.

The resources have been issued over time through a variety of
registry entities, and in this region, ARIN is the entity
that has been assigned responsibility for administration of
these resources behalf of the community.  You are a part of
this community, so your participation to make the conditions
acceptable is highly valued.

> These half-measures are encouraging in one sense; they show
> some flexibility, rather than the mad-dog punitive mentality
> that has characterized way too much of the discussion about
> legacy issues.  But in another sense, they are discouraging,
> because the best you have come up with is to decrease the
> likelihood of "revocation" of something *you never issued*,
> not to eliminate your threat of that inappropriate action.

It is understandable to be discouraged by the LRSA changes
made to date, *if* you start from the belief that there is
no successor registry with the duty of administration of
these numbering resources in the region.  Others see a
different starting point and hence are encouraged by the

(personal view)

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