[ppml] Markets, pricing, transparency, 2008-2 / 8.3.9

Jo Rhett jrhett at svcolo.com
Thu Mar 20 18:16:44 EDT 2008

On Mar 19, 2008, at 8:58 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:
>>>> The "market" would and does exist independant of ARIN.  ...
>>> can you give us a ferinstance?
>> and then have net.vigilantes descend on them?
> it's hard to make policy in the current information vacuum.
>> you're kidding, right?
> i wasn't.  i'm not doubting jo's word.  i'm trying to understand the
> magnitude of the described market.  i'd like to know whether it's the
> kind of thing that will move into an ARIN framework if any, or whether
> it'll die if ARIN adopts a framework.  i'd like to know if it's dozens
> of "trades" per hour, per day, per year, or what.

okay, sorry, let me clarify.  I have personally had people try to  
sell me swamp space before on several occasions.  I took that to mean  
that probably many other people out there were doing it, which may or  
may not be true.  I don't know how large or diverse the market is.  I  
*assume* it would grow after exhaustion.

The only reason I said "The market would and does exist independant  
of ARIN" was an attempt to correct a statement by someone that ARIN  
would be creating a market.  It is my belief that this market would  
exist without any assistance from ARIN, and probably even if ARIN  
tried to squash it.

2008-2 wouldn't "create" a market in my mind.  Enable, Validate, lots  
of other words might apply.  I don't think "create" applies.

Jo Rhett
senior geek

Silicon Valley Colocation
Support Phone: 408-400-0550

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