[ppml] Markets, pricing, transparency, 2008-2 / 8.3.9

Cliff Bedore cliffb at cjbsys.bdb.com
Thu Mar 20 08:57:09 EDT 2008

Jo Rhett wrote:
> Cliff, my reading of 2008-2 does exactly that.  You're restating 
> pretty clear the goal of the proposal.
> The "market" would and does exist independant of ARIN.  The only 
> question was whether ARIN should provide a listing service.


What I was trying to do was get ARIN out of the listing/pricing business 
part of 2008-2.  In a prior post, I also suggested removing some of the 
transfer time restrictions and prior approval requirements.  The intent 
is to allow a more timely response to what will quite likely be a more 
active time in v4 address usage/change as people (hopefully) will be 
working to change to v6.  I think ARIN needs to allow for private 
transfers during this time frame but should only be involved in 
certifying the transfer, not the details of how the two (or more) 
parties got together


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