[ppml] Multihome Pro Con Document

Howard, W. Lee Lee.Howard at stanleyassociates.com
Mon Oct 16 09:48:13 EDT 2006


> >> why the assumption of only two and why the assumption of no te?
> >> i want voip out the left and quake out the right, for example.
> > You're special, and clueful, and can build complex networks.  
> > If we're not allowed to make assumptions, we can't define 
> requirements,
> > and can't do anything.
> the assumption to make is that, if the home user is multi-homed,
> that they did it for a reason.  and that reason is likely traffic
> engineering.  the two most common reasons for this in the states
> are precisely the examples i gave, voip and games.

Sorry, I misunderstood.

So you think the requirements are the same for residential users and
ISPs?  I'm having a failure of imagination, and can only imagine 
residential "TE" where a user gets a PA prefix from both her VOIP
provider and her gaming provider.  Maybe she wants failover with her
prefixes, but I don't see TE as I understand it.

If true, we need a BGP with more knobs than the current one, but
which is usable by Joe Homeuser.  


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