[ppml] IPv6>>32

Bill Darte billd at cait.wustl.edu
Thu May 12 08:21:19 EDT 2005

> Bill Darte wrote:
> > 
> > If it were easy to abandon a pervasive standard, we would 
> be further 
> > along the demand curve for v6.  Fact is, anyone with enough v4 
> > addresses and a functioning environment delivering 
> sufficient value is 
> > not interested in change....net value of v6 today is more 
> addresses.  
> > That's with a billion addresses announced.
> > 
> > When its many trillions of v6 addresses announced and several more 
> > global layers of integration and economic foundation in the 
> mix, the 
> > chance of migration to something new is gonna be near 
> impossible. So I 
> > think the notion of looking at v6 with a sunset horizon of 
> 60 or 100 
> > years is not prudent.  Plan for the long, long, long haul.  Then if 
> > something new begins to emerge....that next promise of networking 
> > nirvana, where we'll never run
> > out of <fill in the blank>... and the IS and new way of 
> changing....SO
> > CHANGE.... But, in the absence of experience that says we can just
> > 'change'
> > when things get difficult, prudence says conservation of 
> the limiting
> > benefit of v6 seems reasonable to me.  If we are going to apply
> innovation,
> > then apply it to ways to achieve the renumbering promise, to make a 
> > routing environment that scales so that end-site v6 
> allocations won't 
> > break things....
> Even the 100+ year phone system is a dying approach. Ignore 
> the technology evolutions that have and are still occurring 
> under the covers, the whole concept of a string of 
> nonsensical digits as an identifier is being replaced with 
> alpha strings that people already associate with the target. 
> The idea that any modern technology will persist unaltered 
> for more than a few generations is something worth 
> considering but at the same time poses baseless hubris on 
> those that attempt it. 
> Tony

Yeah, and that said, I'd submit that before the nonsensical digits are
replaced, they will be embedded deeper by means we already know and
understand (which is the easy way..and the way it goes)...

DNS provides the abstraction to make those nonsense identifiers function
more 'user friendly' and at the same time providing flexibility.  ARP does
the same.  

The notion that innovation will easily and in the short run (of 100+) years
scrap a pervasive implementation of v6 nonsensical addresses defies the
logic of systems migration....LEGACY is king!  All those of you who still
run production systems on Series 1 computers raise your hand....


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