[ppml] Directory Services - Take 2

Michael.Dillon at btradianz.com Michael.Dillon at btradianz.com
Mon Jun 13 10:42:15 EDT 2005

> If you think that an XML presentation format would work with
> an LDAP approach, I'd suggest documenting this and presenting
> it for review of the CRISP WG.

I'm not interested in the views of the CRISP WG. I was on
the mailing list when the working prototype of the LDAP
implementation was whipped up in about two days and presented 
to the group. I saw the vote a short time later where the 
IRIS approach was voted on. I could clearly see that the 
group was more interested in reinventing the wheel to serve
the needs of the domain name industry than in simplicity.
I have no interest in understanding the needs of the domain
name industry or participating in their market creation

If they can't see that simple general purpose protocols
are easier to implement, manage, and deploy, then I am
not going to waste my breathe (or fingertips).

--Michael Dillon

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