[ppml] Deaggregation in the ARIN region Was: [nanog] The Ci dr Report

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Mon Feb 14 16:21:27 EST 2005

> It probably is, but I'd wager a large percentage of ARIN "members"
> (assuming everyone with an ASN assigned by ARIN is a "member", even
> though they don't appear to be based on
> http://www.arin.net/membership/index.html) have never been to a NANOG
> meeting or heard of the mailing list.
A large percentage of ARIN "members" have been to NANOG.  A decent 
of ARIN members don't have ASNs.  A decent percentage of entities with
ASNs are NOT ARIN members.  Generally, I'd take your bet on multiple levels.

> It seems to me there are at least 2 classes of deaggregators...the big NSP
> types who certainly should have engineering staff who know better but for
> whatever reasons choose to deaggregate, and the small network/ISP who may
> not even have PI space, but deaggregates whatever they do have into /24s
> because that's how someone set it up for them, and it's not broken as far
> as they can tell.
Yep.  And the big NSPs have mostly been to NANOG at least once or twice.

> You probably can't help the first class without waving a stick at them.
> The second class just needs a little education that could be provided in
> the form of some "helpful URLs" on "BGP and the internet community" when
> they receive their ASN.
Perhaps, but, how many of the orgs in this class are recently issued
(>35000) ASNs?  I tend to suspect it is a small percentage of the group.

I agree that throwing up the links and such wouldn't be a bad idea for
ARIN to do, but, it's not quite as simple as you suggest.  Someone
needs to periodically check those links and find new ones when the old
ones become invalid.


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