[ppml] Policy Proposal 2003-15: IPv4 Allocation Policy for the Africa Portion of the ARIN Region

Calvin Browne calvin at orange-tree.alt.za
Wed Oct 1 01:26:45 EDT 2003


On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 02:55, Leo Bicknell wrote:


> In a message written on Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 01:47:07AM +0200, William Stucke wrote:
> > Africans, and AfriNIC members, are unanimous in supporting 2003-15. I
> > haven't heard a single African refuse to support 2002-3. I'm happy to record
> > my support for 2002-3 hereby, but do rather wonder why it's taken so long to
> > get through the system. I haven't heard a convincing argument that
> > supporting one will harm the other. Why, oh why, do (some few vocal) North
> > Americans refuse to support 2003-15?
> I support 2002-3.  Actually, I supported several versions before
> it, and to this day think it should be both allocation and assignment.
> I believe you'll find a strong history of me supporting those
> efforts.
> Part of what bothers me here is that 6 or 12 months ago when 2002-3
> discussion was going on I don't recall many (or any, really) of the
> "Africa People" who have been supporting 2003-15 stepping up to
> voice their support.  There were proposals for a policy that did
> exactly what African's seem to want, and the 2002-3 proposal (which
> seems to not include assignments and allocations as desired), and
> yet no one came forward to help.
> Now that we're getting some traction on 2002-3, we're sidetracked
> by this Africa proposal.  At least two people have responded on
> list when I asked them to support 2002-3 instead (or Owen asked,
> as amended) that they felt 2003-15 had a better chance of passing,
> so they just wanted the local policy.  My inference was that they
> felt 2002-3 would be defeated because the "big bad backbones" in
> the US would never let it happen here, but they might be indifferent
> enough to let Africa get away with it.


As someone who has no knowledge of the North American networking scene,
I'd be hard pressed to support or go against anything proposed for that
region. I'd prefer those people to sort out their stuff in a way that
suits them. In fact, it would be extremely arrogant and rude of me to
adopt any other line.
The converse if course, applies.


---------------------* My opinions are mine *---------------------------
 Calvin Browne calvin at UniForum.org.za c at lvin.co.za
               Office phone: 080 314 0077        +27 11 314-0077
               http://orange-tree.alt.za Mobile: +27 83 303-0663
               Call me for Linux/Internet consulting

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