[ppml] Leaders or followers (times 2)

Michael.Dillon at radianz.com Michael.Dillon at radianz.com
Mon Mar 3 07:31:10 EST 2003

> Changing the wording just causes it to diverge from the other RIR's
> policy, which defeats the entire purpose.

Hmmm... so should ARIN only be following the lead of other RIRs or should 
ARIN try to set policy that is a good example for other RIRs to follow?

> The fact that a few people continue to have objections which were raised
> and dealt with to the satisfaction of the membership at the meeting
> doesn't seem terribly pertinent to me.

The ARIN policy process contains the following:

    The Advisory Council will consider the discussions and judge the level 

    of consensus in the community in order to prepare a final proposal for 

    consideration by the ARIN Board of Trustees.

I take this to mean that the AC can write the proposal with any wording 
that they may choose, i.e. in "preparing" a final proposal, they don't 
have to just pass through wording from either the meetings or the list.

--Michael Dillon

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