[ppml] Wording issues with the 2002-6 Aggregation Requests Pr oposal???

Ron da Silva ron at aol.net
Tue Dec 3 16:57:08 EST 2002

On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 03:45:02PM -0600, Bill Darte wrote:
> In the first place, you would not be able to return 12 a second time,
> because you would return the original 12 for a single aggregated block which
> would no longer fit the criteria of the policy...no?

I suppose, if I had 12 /24s and they were "dirty" (whatever that means),
I could trade in 3 of them for a /22.  And then after some time, say
6 months, trade in that /22 along with another /24 for a /21.  etc..
I could have a decent amount of space by the time I am done.  Why not
require that in order to exercise this policy the request must come
from an ARIN member (which implies billing and justification are in
place) ?


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