Mark Kosters markk at
Fri Apr 27 14:51:13 EDT 2001

On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 02:26:34PM -0400, Richard Jimmerson wrote:
> ARIN has determined taking over the future support and
> development of RWHOIS may require a complete rewrite
> of the software. There has also been some discussion on 
> this list about the possibility of a third reassignment 
> option. Ginny Listman will be moving this discussion over 
> to the dbwg at mailing list.

I don't think it needs a complete rewrite. I do however think that
the db stuff on the backside needs to be replaced with mysql, oracle, or
something else. People can use different tools to update and display info
that resides on their database other than using rwhois or cumbersome
text editing that is prone to error.


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