Muir, Ronald rmuir at
Fri Apr 27 15:46:07 EDT 2001

Let's continue the discussion on the dbwg list.

I think Mark's suggestion has a lot of merit. A whole new database
architecture is probably the best solution, that way everyone can develop
there own client - or use an existing client - to perform updates and
query's. This appears to also be a project that will need input from the AC
as well as the members.

Can we set a deadline for submittal of all input so that we can move forward
with this. I would hate to see this be an open ended discussion going on and
on ... and on ...

I suggest that 60 days for comment and a predetermined period for the AC to
provide it's input and then let's get started.

Ron Muir
Director, Operations Development
Pathnet, Inc.
rmuir at

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