[arin-discuss] IPv6-only website

johnb at infinitie.net johnb at infinitie.net
Fri Apr 23 04:27:23 EDT 2010

Hey all.

New to this forum. I am curious. We have our ipv6 allocation and really want to push ipv6 but most of our upstreams aren't supporting it.

We want to be ready when ipv4 runs out but don't really have a way of announcing these ips successfully.

What do you recommend?


John W. B. 
Infinitie Customer Support
Account Executive
Infinitie Networks
The Online Network American's Trust(sm)

-----Original Message-----
From: Owen DeLong <owen at delong.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 22:32:06 
To: Steve Bertrand<steve at ibctech.ca>
Cc: <arin-discuss at arin.net>
Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] IPv6-only website

On Apr 22, 2010, at 8:52 PM, Steve Bertrand wrote:

> On 2010.04.22 21:44, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> There were a few people who were curious and asked me about what the
>> effects would be for ISPs that delayed their IPv6 implementation until
>> after the v4 runout during the ARIN meeting.
> Speaking to myself, I seem to have found another issue regarding IPv6
> only sites.
> If the following website:
> http://www.hscripts.com/tools/HDNT/dns-record.php
> ...is not correct in claiming this against my domain:
> "No AAAA records exist for onlyv6.com"
> ...it means that they are lying to me, and they must be basing this
> conclusion on not being able to *see* my AAAA records (due to the fact
> that their resolvers are relying on me having both v4 AND v6
> connectivity on my authoritative servers).
> Can someone with more DNS knowledge than I have do some troubleshooting
> for me on the onlyv6.com domain and let me know if I'm on the right
> track here?
Hard to troubleshoot from afar.  My guess would be that perhaps:

1.	Your nameservers for that zone are IPv6 only, not just the web site.
	(nothing wrong with this)

2.	Their resolver is not ready for an IPv6-only nameserver.
	It's like XP... it'll get a quad-A, but, it won't get anything over IPv6.

I suggest contacting the site administrators and asking them
exactly the question you have above:

"Why don't my perfectly valid AAAA records for onlyv6.com show up on
your site?"


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