[arin-discuss] IPv6-only website

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Fri Apr 23 01:32:06 EDT 2010

On Apr 22, 2010, at 8:52 PM, Steve Bertrand wrote:

> On 2010.04.22 21:44, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> There were a few people who were curious and asked me about what the
>> effects would be for ISPs that delayed their IPv6 implementation until
>> after the v4 runout during the ARIN meeting.
> Speaking to myself, I seem to have found another issue regarding IPv6
> only sites.
> If the following website:
> http://www.hscripts.com/tools/HDNT/dns-record.php
> ...is not correct in claiming this against my domain:
> "No AAAA records exist for onlyv6.com"
> ...it means that they are lying to me, and they must be basing this
> conclusion on not being able to *see* my AAAA records (due to the fact
> that their resolvers are relying on me having both v4 AND v6
> connectivity on my authoritative servers).
> Can someone with more DNS knowledge than I have do some troubleshooting
> for me on the onlyv6.com domain and let me know if I'm on the right
> track here?
Hard to troubleshoot from afar.  My guess would be that perhaps:

1.	Your nameservers for that zone are IPv6 only, not just the web site.
	(nothing wrong with this)

2.	Their resolver is not ready for an IPv6-only nameserver.
	It's like XP... it'll get a quad-A, but, it won't get anything over IPv6.

I suggest contacting the site administrators and asking them
exactly the question you have above:

"Why don't my perfectly valid AAAA records for onlyv6.com show up on
your site?"


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