[arin-discuss] Good Stewardship by example, I'd like to RETURN a /20

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Fri Jul 24 11:18:04 EDT 2009

> At this point, the only policy related action that might help would  
> be to allow smaller organizations to get Provider Independent IPv6  
> address space. This has the risk of increasing the size of the  
> global routing tables, but it would also increase the size of the  
> IPv6 equipment market and put more pressure on upstream providers to  
> support IPv6.
The current boundary is set at an organization which has ~500 hosts  
and could justify an IPv4 /22.

How much smaller would you like the boundary to be?

> Right now, I can find only a small amount of router/firewall  
> equipment in my size range that supports IPv6, but that doesn't  
> really matter because I can't get IPv6 address space from my  
> upstream or from ARIN.
What is your size range, and, have you considered getting a /48 from a  
tunnel broker? (Feel free to reply to this one off list if you prefer)

http://www.tunnelbroker.net as an example. *

>> From where I sit, it looks like the IPv6 equipment and upstream  
>> support does not exist because there is no market demand, and there  
>> is no market demand because the IPv6 equipment and upstream support  
>> does not exist. Whatever ARIN can do to disrupt this cycle will help.
> Keith Hare
> JCC Consulting, Inc.
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* Full disclosure: I work for Hurricane Electric as an IPv6  
Evangelist. Tunnelbroker is a community service provided by Hurricane  

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