[arin-discuss] Food for thought: IPv4 accountability.

Craig Finseth craig.finseth at state.mn.us
Wed Jul 22 08:24:48 EDT 2009

   ARIN needs to step in and start dealing with these large, mostly unused 
   blocks of IP address space.  A working group would be a good start, or 

In all fairness, it is by no means obvious that there are large,
mostly unused blocks, especially the old class A ones assigned to

Many of those are in full use.  However, the electronic paperwork
isn't necessarily up to date.  We've been using a /16 worth originally
assigned to HP.  It was a lot of work to get the records sorted out
(we eventually did) and I can't see most people bothering.  Hence, it
_appears_ that HP has a lot of space that "must" be unused, but it is
likely not the case.

I believe the people who have looked into the unused swamp problem
generally say that it's a lot smaller than most people think.  (See
previous discussions on this list.)

Craig A. Finseth                craig.finseth at state.mn.us
Systems Architect               +1 651 201 1011 desk
State of Minnesota, Office of Enterprise Technology
658 Cedar Ave                   +1 651 297 5368 fax
St Paul MN 55155                +1 651 297 1111 TAC, for reporting problems

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