[arin-discuss] Importance of Corporate Governance

Edward B. DREGER eddy+arin+spam at noc.everquick.net
Tue Feb 5 10:52:48 EST 2008

CZ> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:18:32 -0500
CZ> From: Christopher Zolla

CZ> [F]rom a third party point of view, Dean has maintained a positive
CZ> and professional response to every email I have read (I haven't
CZ> read them all - but close) questioning his motives and his approach

Not so:

Dean> By contrast, the persons who want to stop the investigation also
Dean> advocate disregarding any current or past wrongdoing, disregarding
Dean> facts reflecting negatively on Board Members' character,
Dean> disregarding the ARIN bylaws, and disregarding bad faith, false
Dean> statements, and conflict of interest of Board Members.  They
Dean> advocate _against_ ARIN reporting the facts of, for example, what
Dean> ARIN has spent on NANOG.  They advocate _against_ having quorum
Dean> requirements for the election of Board Members.  They advocate
Dean> _against_ discussion of corporate governance. Their position is
Dean> contrary to principles of good corporate governance.

I want this investigation stopped.  I believe it is premature,
unwarranted, and could have been better handled via existing ARIN

Yet, according to Dean, as a person who wants to stop the investigation,
I also advocate:

* Disregarding any current or past wrongdoing (false!)

* Disregarding facts reflecting negatively on Board Members' character

* Disregarding bad faith, false statements, and COI of Board (false!)

* Advocate against ARIN reporting ... (false!)

* Advocate against having quorom requirements (false!)

That is but one example of a fallacious and wholly unprofessional
statement.  It is entirely possible for someone to want the
investigation to be stopped _without_ "having something to hide".  It
is entirely possible to disagree with Dean _without_ espousing what he
claims any oponent must think.  It is entirely possible for Dean's
opponents to be acting altruistically.

I believe that, in America, sale of alcoholic beverages should be legal.
Does this mean that I am an alcoholic?  Nope.  That I drink?  Wrong

At this point, I think readers should grab their favorite textbooks and
review logical fallacies.  Just because one preaches in the name of
democracy, justice, liberty, or G-d almighty does not mean that one
truly stands for those principles.

Hitler claimed to do things in the name of G-d.

(Can we just pretend that Quirk's Exception doesn't exist?)

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