[arin-discuss] Importance of Corporate Governance

Mike Lieberman Mike at netwright.net
Tue Feb 5 11:30:53 EST 2008

Dear Comrade Members,
	We have degenerated into a 'he said / she said' brawl. This is
neither productive nor helpful of anyone's cause.
	There are those who state - possibly with some cause - that Dean has
a secondary agenda and is acting as a bomb thrower. To them I say - OK, but
there are two thousand of us and while Dean may be all you say he is. He may
be also a legitimately very disgruntled individual who is tired of being
treated like a pinhead by those in power and has become obnoxious as his
only alternative. Some of us can't tell. 
	As one who could easily be accused of being part of 'the pot calling
the kettle black,' I wish to, in all humility, mention that there is on the
rare occasion the feeling among some members of others that they are hearing
"those of us who know are little amused by the rest of you' at times. So how
do the balance of us, the relatively uninvolved members, parse this out? 
	To Dean, we are not lawyers (in the most case at any rate) and your
claims here are very technical. I have spent a full decade in court over
major matters which are controlled by the minutia of legal language and the
meaning of the same. It is painful enough just doing this in court. This
thread is just not a good venue for any resolution. Please for your sake and
ours, ask for a spot on the Agenda, post any legal opinions you would like
us to read at a common spot so that we can consider. Not a blog - just a
legal arguments and such - hopefully from a real named lawyer experienced in
business law as practiced in Virginia.
	To the board and staff: Dean may be, in your opinion, a royal pain,
but it just doesn't matter. Every organization will have those who drive you
crazy. It comes with the territory. What doesn't help is unnamed attorneys
and such. And consider - just for the hell of it - that on some one point,
Dean may be right and you all - in your communal wisdom are wrong.

With respect for all and a desire for a real end to these thread,

Mike Lieberman, President
Net Wright LLC
Tel: 307-857-4898
Fax: 307-857-4872

-----Original Message-----
From: arin-discuss-bounces at arin.net [mailto:arin-discuss-bounces at arin.net]
On Behalf Of Edward B. DREGER
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 8:53 AM
To: arin-discuss at arin.net
Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] Importance of Corporate Governance

CZ> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:18:32 -0500
CZ> From: Christopher Zolla

CZ> [F]rom a third party point of view, Dean has maintained a positive
CZ> and professional response to every email I have read (I haven't
CZ> read them all - but close) questioning his motives and his approach

Not so:

Dean> By contrast, the persons who want to stop the investigation also
Dean> advocate disregarding any current or past wrongdoing, disregarding
Dean> facts reflecting negatively on Board Members' character,
Dean> disregarding the ARIN bylaws, and disregarding bad faith, false
Dean> statements, and conflict of interest of Board Members.  They
Dean> advocate _against_ ARIN reporting the facts of, for example, what
Dean> ARIN has spent on NANOG.  They advocate _against_ having quorum
Dean> requirements for the election of Board Members.  They advocate
Dean> _against_ discussion of corporate governance. Their position is
Dean> contrary to principles of good corporate governance.

I want this investigation stopped.  I believe it is premature,
unwarranted, and could have been better handled via existing ARIN

Yet, according to Dean, as a person who wants to stop the investigation,
I also advocate:

* Disregarding any current or past wrongdoing (false!)

* Disregarding facts reflecting negatively on Board Members' character

* Disregarding bad faith, false statements, and COI of Board (false!)

* Advocate against ARIN reporting ... (false!)

* Advocate against having quorom requirements (false!)

That is but one example of a fallacious and wholly unprofessional
statement.  It is entirely possible for someone to want the
investigation to be stopped _without_ "having something to hide".  It
is entirely possible to disagree with Dean _without_ espousing what he
claims any oponent must think.  It is entirely possible for Dean's
opponents to be acting altruistically.

I believe that, in America, sale of alcoholic beverages should be legal.
Does this mean that I am an alcoholic?  Nope.  That I drink?  Wrong

At this point, I think readers should grab their favorite textbooks and
review logical fallacies.  Just because one preaches in the name of
democracy, justice, liberty, or G-d almighty does not mean that one
truly stands for those principles.

Hitler claimed to do things in the name of G-d.

(Can we just pretend that Quirk's Exception doesn't exist?)

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