[arin-discuss] [ppml] Counsel statement on Legacyassignments?(fwd)

Jeremy Anthony Kinsey jer at mia.net
Fri Oct 5 13:01:59 EDT 2007

On Oct 5, 2007, at 11:45 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:

>> For example, if we were able to extend our block, (assuming no one is
>> above us or below us) we would easily pay less than if we just bought
>> another /20.   I think the fee structure charges more to increase
>> your allocation, when you cannot increase the netblock you are in
>> because, again, someone is in the space below you, or above you.
> This is not true.  The cost of two separate /20s is the same as a /19
> under the ISP rules.  The prices are based on the aggregate sum of
> all your address spaces, not each individual allocation (assuming all
> allocations are under the same ORG).
> If you have two /20s, then, for billing purposes, you are a /19 and  
> you
> would pay the /19 price.

Insert foot in mouth.. Thank you for the clarification..

So in other words, I could go from a /20 to  a /19 and still pay what  
I am currently paying?  Great, how do I begin that process?  I am out  
of space.
>> I'd like to be able to increase to say, a /19 from a /20 and pay  
>> the /
>> 19 price, but I cannot do that.. Does that make sense?  It would be
>> nice if there were some way to increase our network allocation,
>> outside of our own allocation but still pay the same rate based on
>> the TOTAL allocation... If that makes sense..
> That is exactly how it works.

Great.. Thank you.
>> Also, from a cash flow perspective, I would rather pay MONTHLY, than
>> annually.. It would make it much easier for us and other ISP's from a
>> cash flow perspective to charge out our IP services on monthly
>> basis.  We could then better justify buying a larger allocation, and
>> in the long run, save money, but buying more for less.
> You are not BUYING an allocation.  You are paying for a registration
> service.  In terms of managing the cash flow, get a small loan to pay
> your ARIN fees and then make monthly payments on the loan and
> you have the same cash flow. I don't think that I want to see the very
> small staff at ARIN tied up managing monthly instead of annual
> bills or a mixture of customers who prefer different billing cycles.

The annual is not killing me.. Getting a loan would be stupid for  
such an amount.. What I am getting at is I run my business on 30 day  
payables... I know of no other service that requires an annual,  
upfront payment for services.  Imagine if I had to pay for my fiber  
annually... OUCH!!!
> Would you want to pay for the additional headcount at ARIN to support
> such a thing in order to get monthly bills?
I really do not think it could cost that much to maintaining  
accounting of money coming in.. ;-)

Thanks again for the input and clarification!

Jeremy Anthony Kinsey
  e-mail: jer at mia.net
Bella Mia, Inc.                                      www.mia.net
401 Host Drive                              www.dslone.com
Lake Geneva, WI. 53147         www.hostdrive.com
Phone: (262)248-6759             www.bella-mia.com
Fax: (262)248-6959              www.thednsplace.com

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