[ppml] Reducing unnecessary BGP announcements, was: Re: IPv4 address and routing slot markets

Iljitsch van Beijnum iljitsch at muada.com
Sun Oct 28 11:25:52 EDT 2007

On 27 okt 2007, at 16:58, Paul Vixie wrote:

>> What business does ARIN or APNIC or RIPE have in allowing or  
>> disallowing
>> any kind of route announcements? It is not in the charter of ARIN  
>> or in
>> the terms of reference of RIPE. Is there a significant number of ISPs
>> who are about to sign some kind of routing treaty?

> that's what tli advised us to do during his ARIN XX preso in ABQ.   
> as far
> as i could tell, the ISPs in the room didn't immediately run out  
> into the
> hall to discuss details.  but that doesn't mean we oughtn't discuss  
> it,
> since the predicted backpressure-free market mechanics don't seem  
> wonderful.

Sometimes all it takes is someone with a vision and a route filter.

How about this: out of the weekly routing table report and the RIR  
allocation record, a filter is created that removes unnecessarily  
unaggregated prefixes. The filter is sorted in order of decreasing  
number of prefixes filtered out. People then install the first X lines  
for whatever value of X best suits them.

This will generate a lot of pressure on the worst offenders to do  

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