[arin-discuss] Importance of Corporate Governance

John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Tue Feb 5 16:44:34 EST 2008

>ARIN: How about an "arin-oversight at arin.net" mailing list dedicated to
>this sort of talk?  I'm concerned that this endless discussion is
>alienating people who otherwise may be inclined to provide valuable
>insight and opinions dealing with ARIN operations.

Eddy -

    That can be done, if indeed desired by the community.
    The "arin-discuss" list presently incorporates these topics,
    and we would need to be certain that any division of the
    list was initially inclusive all all current participants.
    Also, note that there will likely be some messages (such as
    announcement of petition matters, and the like) that have
    openness and transparency requirements that may still
    require posting to arin-discuss (and other lists) even in the
    presence of a specific "arin-oversight" list.

    Having noted such, if you submit this suggestion
    to the ARIN consultation and suggestion process
    <http://www.arin.net/acsp/index.html>, then it
    will be considered independently.

    In any case, in light of numerous posts about maintaining
    effective communications on the mailing lists, we will also
    add this suggestion to general topic of mailing lists decorum
    to the ARIN Denver Meeting for discussion.



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