ARIN is not/is too/is not/is too... blah.

Jim Fleming JimFleming at
Sun Mar 30 02:11:43 EST 1997

On Sunday, March 30, 1997 1:02 AM, David R. Conrad[SMTP:davidc at] wrote:
@ [nanog removed from cc]
@ >@ Many folk have stated that Africa should have its own NIC.  It would
@ >@ make most sense that DNS, ASN and IP Allocation came from one place.
@ >@ Adopting the line of 'slow startup' - I approached the InterNIC for a
@ >@ single superblock of Class C addresses - to start attending with some
@ >@ of the local address problems - and have currently been refused.
@ >@ 
@ >Who did you talk to or contact ?
@ Please read Mark's comments above again.

OK, I read "refused" him...?

@ >Did you contact the NSF ?
@ No, and it would be inappropriate for him to do so.  The creation of
@ new regional registries is a function of the IANA.

How do you know if he contacted the NSF ?

For the record, can you explain who the IANA is ?
(just in case the story changes in the next couple of months)

By the way, why don't you want people to contact the
agencies that can make something happen ?

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

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