RE $50 Million NSF windfall??

Chris A. Icide chris at NAP.NET
Thu Mar 13 14:43:07 EST 1997

On Thursday, March 13, 1997 12:37 PM Jim Fleming[SMTP:JimFleming at] wrote:

|@ Are you really going to advocate a structure (IS, DS, RS) 
|@ of which you only have second-hand knowledge?  You have a
|@ tendency to include text (such as the NSI proposal above) 
|@ showing a remarkable lack of context.
|How do you know what "knowledge" I have...?
|You do not even know me...

You, know, Jim, you may have hit on the big problem here.  As much as the Internet
is a virtual community, it is a community of human beings.  In my past, I have been
a part of several other industries, and I found out one thing the hard way.  There is
no such thing as total objectivity where more than two people interact to perform
some function.  Humans tend to impart some level of emotion into every decision
they make, whether it's intentional or not.

For example, Lets say I'm a customer who has submitted some time of RFQ.  Vendor
A, B, and C have responded to my RFQ.  I have attended many social events, and have
met both the sales and engineering folks from vendor A.  I've chatted with the sales folks
and an engineer from vendor B over the phone and e-mail, and finally, I've just traded
coorespondance with vendor C's engineering department.  If the quality of the responses 
are the same, I will be heavily inclined to reccommend the product from vendor A.

Human beings are social critters by instinct.

I propose that you have such a rough time listening/respecting your views for several
reasons, including, but not limited to the following:

1.	You tend to hold opinions that are in contradiction with the recognized experts
	(a business / political decision on your part which I have no thoughts or opinions 
on, one way or another)

2.	You have not been present or vocal at the meetings of NANOG / IETF, etc.

3.	Many of your posts, taken together, tend to give the reader the idea that you
	believe some type of conspiracy exists.  Whether or not this is true, it tends to
	belittle your opinions in others eyes.

4.	Finally, your posts number in the hundreds if not thousands on a particular
	subject, resulting in people not reading, if not filtering your posts.

Disclaimer:  I am in no way an expert on human interactions, except as a
member of the human race.  This post represents my opinions formed
from spending a few years as a human being on this planet.  Please
do not take the content of this post in any other form.

Chris A. Icide

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