Location, Smocation [Was: Re: Suggestions]

Paul Ferguson pferguso at CISCO.COM
Thu Mar 6 06:50:23 EST 1997

At 08:11 PM 3/5/97 -0800, Michael Dillon wrote:

>> 2.  Proposed location(s)
>I think there is no good reason to move ARIN outside of Fairfax county
>in Norther Virginia. First, it simplifies transferring the Internic IP
>allocation function intact, people and all. And second, this region is
>becoming the Internet industry's Silicon Valley and in the event that 
>key people decide to move on to other jobs, it will be easier to find
>qualified employees to replace them.

I second that thought. The metropolitan DC area is considered the
crossroads of the Internet; several of the largest service-providers
on this planet are located within a 5-mile radius of one another.
Also, the Internet Society and  the Corporation for National Research
Initiatives (CNRI, the IETF Secretariat) are both located here as

Plus, Kim lives right down the street.  :-)

- paul

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