FW: Calling all Registries
Jim Fleming
JimFleming at unety.net
Thu Mar 6 11:24:16 EST 1997
If people allow ARIN to be set up and they have their
intellectual and economic pockets picked, please
refer back to this and do not complain as people
NOW complain about the domain registration fees....
Many of the same arguements were used to "spin"
the InterNIC into the $50 per year registration fee
situation. Those that do not learn from history are
doomed to repeat it...
Jim Fleming
From: Jim Fleming[SMTP:JimFleming at unety.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 1997 10:06 AM
To: edns-operators at MCS.Net; 'iquest1 at mindspring.com'; newdom at vrx.net
Subject: RE: Calling all Registries
On Thursday, March 06, 1997 9:53 AM, iquest1 at mindspring.com wrote:
@ Now is the time . . .
@ In closing, lets work together to make
@ this happen. If I can be of any assistance,
@ please feel free to call or email me at:
@ Jay Fenello
@ 404-250-3242
@ Iperdome, Inc.
@ www.iperdome.com
I agree the traditional "press" is important. I would also remind
business people that their elected officials need to be informed.
Not only the elected officials, but the people those officials have
"hired" to manage some of these functions. For example, the NSF.
Two sources have confirmed that Vice President Al Gore has
been briefed on many of these issues. As many people know,
Mr. Gore has been an advocate of expanding the Information
I would caution some of the people on these lists that the
traditional Internet "spin" about being International and having
no boundaries is often used to confuse people into thinking
that the economic benefits of the Internet need to be quietly
exported from the United States.
It is fortunate that business people and elected politicians
have learned to follow the money trails. Whether you call
domain name registrations fees, taxes, donations, what
have you, many people boil it down to money. Whether people
call fees for IP addresses, lease payments, purchases or
allocation fees, it all boils down to money.
If the youth of the United States allow their intellectual
and econmic pockets to be picked from abroad via the
Internet, then they have to answer to the generation that
follows them. All the current adults can do is to try to
protect the current generation of youths who can enjoy
a bright future if they watch their wallets....
Jim Fleming
=========== Reference List ================
President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore
National Science Board (NSB)
The NSB has dual responsibilities as:
. National science policy advisor to the President
and the Congress
. Governing body for the National Science Foundation
Chairman NSB - Dr. Richard N. Zare, Stanford University
rnz at chemistry.stanford.edu
Office of Inspector General of the NSF (also links to Congress)
Inspector General - Linda G. Sundro - lsundro at nsf.gov
Investigator - Clara Kuehn - ckuehn at nsf.gov
National Science Foundation
Neal Lane - nlane at nsf.gov
Juris Hartmanis - jhartman at nsf.gov
George Strawn - gstrawn at nsf.gov
Don Mitchell - dmitchel at nsf.gov
@@@@@ http://www.fnc.gov/mission.html
"The FNC supports the goals of the CIC, particularly those related
to building the national information infrastructure (NII). It also seeks
to address Federal technology transition goals and allow the
operational experiences of FNC agencies to influence future
Federal research agendas.
It also contributes funds to important Internet infrastructure organizations,
such as
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA),
and the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)."
@@@@@ http://www.fnc.gov/FNC_Members.html
Federal Networking Council
George Strawn - Chairman GSTRAWN at NSF.GOV
Walter Wiebe - Executive Director WWIEBE at NSF.GOV
Bruce Bottomley BBB at ROMULUS.NCSC.MIL
Dick desJardins DESJARDI at EOS.NASA.GOV
Frank Hartel HARTEL at BOX-H.NIH.GOV
Craig Hunt CHUNT at NIST.GOV
Pamela G. Kruzic PJK at NRC.GOV
Fred Lee FLEE at NSF.GOV
Hilarie Orman HORMAN at DARPA.MIL
Camillo J. Pasquariello PASQUARC at NCR.DISA.MIL
Alexis Poliakoff ALEX_POLIAKOFF at ED.GOV
Elaine Stout ESTOUT at USGS.GOV
@@@@@ http://www.fnc.gov/FNCAC.html
The Federal Networking Council Advisory Committee (FNCAC) is chartered by
the National Science Foundation to provide the FNC with technical, tactical,
and strategic advice from the constituencies involved in the NREN Program..."
FNCAC Members
Dr. Sidney Karin KARIN at SDSC.EDU
Dr. Henriette Avram AVRAM at IVORY.EDUCOM.EDU
Mr. Jim Beall, Jr. BEALL at VNET.IBM.COM
Mr. Alan Blatecky ALANB at MCNC.ORG
Ms. Susan Estrada SESTRADA at ALDEA.COM
Dr. Kenneth S. Flamm FLAMM at BROOK.EDU
Ms. Carol Henderson CCH at ALAWASH.ORG
Dr. Kenneth J. Klingenstein KJK at SPOT.COLORADO.EDU
Mr. Richard Liebhaber 2714743 at MCIMAIL.COM
Mr. Stu Loken SCLOKEN at LBL.GOV
Dr. Paul Mockapetris PVM at SOFTWARE.COM
Mr. Robert G. Moskowitz RGM3 at IS.CHRYSLER.COM
Mr. Carl Edward Oliver OLIVERCE at ORNL.GOV
Dr. Stewart Personick SDP at BELLCORE.COM
Mr. Mike Roberts ROBERTS at EDUCOM.EDU
Ms. Connie D. Stout CSTOUT at TENET.EDU
Brigadier General Harold Thompson THOMPSON at ICN.STATE.IA.US
Dr. Stephen Wolff SWOLFF at CISCO.COM
U.S. Senate e-mail addresses
Alabama - Shelby, Richard C. (R) - senator at shelby.senate.gov
Alaska - Stevens, Ted (R) - senator_stevens at stevens.senate.gov
Arizona - Kyl, Jon (R) - info at kyl.senate.gov
Arizona - McCain, John (R) - senator_mccain at mccain.senate.gov
Arkansas - Bumpers, Dale (D) - senator at bumpers.senate.gov
Arkansas - Hutchinson, Tim (D) - senator.hutchinson at hutchinson.senate.gov
California - Boxer, Barbara (D) - senator at boxer.senate.gov
California - Feinstein, Dianne (D) - senator at feinstein.senate.gov
Connecticut - Dodd, Christopher J. (D) - sen_dodd at dodd.senate.gov
Connecticut - Lieberman, Joseph I. (D) - senator_lieberman at lieberman.senate.gov
Delaware - Biden, Joseph R., Jr. (D) - senator at biden.senate.gov
Florida - Graham, Bob (D) - bob_graham at graham.senate.gov
Georgia - Coverdell, Paul (R) - senator_coverdell at coverdell.senate.gov
Hawaii - Inouye, Daniel K. (D) - senator at inouye.senate.gov
Idaho - Craig, Larry E. (R) - larry_craig at craig.senate.gov
Idaho - Kempthorne, Dirk (R) - dirk_kempthorne at kempthorne.senate.gov
Illinois - Moseley-Braun, Carol (D) - senator at moseley-braun.senate.gov
Iowa - Grassley, Chuck (R) - chuck_grassley at grassley.senate.gov
Iowa - Harkin, Tom (D) - tom_harkin at harkin.senate.gov
Kansas - Brownback, Sam (R) - sam_brownback at brownback.senate.gov
Kentucky - Ford, Wendell H. (D) - wendell_ford at ford.senate.gov
Kentucky - McConnell, Mitch (R) - senator at mcconnell.senate.gov
Louisiana - Breaux, John B. (D) - senator at breaux.senate.gov
Maine - Collins, Susan (R) - senator at collins.senate.gov
Maine - Snowe, Olympia J. (R) - olympia at snowe.senate.gov
Maryland - Mikulski, Barbara A. (D) - senator at mikulski.senate.gov
Maryland - Sarbanes, Paul S. (D) - senator at sarbanes.senate.gov
Massachusetts - Kennedy, Edward M. (D) - senator at kennedy.senate.gov
Massachusetts - Kerry, John F. (D) - john_kerry at kerry.senate.gov
Michigan - Abraham, Spencer (R) - michigan at abraham.senate.gov
Michigan - Levin, Carl (D) senator at levin.senate.gov
Minnesota - Grams, Rod (R) - mail_grams at grams.senate.gov
Minnesota - Wellstone, Paul D. (D) - senator at wellstone.senate.gov
Mississippi - Cochran, Thad (R) - senator at cochran.senate.gov
Missouri - Ashcroft, John (R) - john_ashcroft at ashcroft.senate.gov
Missouri - Bond, Christopher S. (R) - kit_bond at bond.senate.gov
Montana - Baucus, Max (D) - max at baucus.senate.gov
Montana - Burns, Conrad R. (R) - conrad_burns at burns.senate.gov
Nebraska - Kerrey, J. Robert (D) - bob at kerrey.senate.gov
Nevada - Bryan, Richard H. (D) - senator at bryan.senate.gov
Nevada - Reid, Harry (D) - senator_reid at reid.senate.gov
New Hampshire - Gregg, Judd (R) - mailbox at gregg.senate.gov
New Hampshire - Smith, Bob (R) opinion at smith.senate.gov
New Jersey - Lautenberg, Frank R. (D) - frank_lautenberg at lautenberg.senate.gov
New Mexico - Bingaman, Jeff (D) - senator_bingaman at bingaman.senate.gov
New Mexico - Domenici, Pete V. (R) - senator_domenici at domenici.senate.gov
New York - D'Amato, Alfonse M. (R) - senator_al at damato.senate.gov
New York - Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (D) - senator at dpm.senate.gov
North Carolina - Faircloth, Lauch (R) - senator at faircloth.senate.gov
North Carolina - Helms, Jesse (R) - jesse_helms at helms.senate.gov
North Dakota - Dorgan, Byron L. (D) - senator at dorgan.senate.gov
Ohio - DeWine, Mike (R) - senator_dewine at dewine.senate.gov
Oklahoma - Nickles, Don (R) - senator at nickles.senate.gov
Oregon - Wyden, Ron (D) - senator at wyden.senate.gov
Pennsylvania - Santorum, Rick (R) - senator at santorum.senate.gov
Pennsylvania - Specter, Arlen (R) - senator_specter at specter.senate.gov
Rhode Island - Chafee, John H. (R) - senator_chafee at chafee.senate.gov
South Carolina - Hollings, Ernest F. (D) - senator at hollings.senate.gov
South Carolina - Thurmond, Strom (R) - senator at thurmond.senate.gov
South Dakota - Daschle, Thomas A. (D) - tom_daschle at daschle.senate.gov
Tennessee - Frist, William H. (R) - senator_frist at frist.senate.gov
Tennessee - Thompson, Fred (R) - senator_thompson at thompson.senate.gov
Texas - Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R) - senator at hutchison.senate.gov
Utah - Bennett, Robert F. (R) - senator at bennett.senate.gov
Utah - Hatch, Orrin G. (R) - senator_hatch at hatch.senate.gov
Vermont - Jeffords, James M. (R) - vermont at jeffords.senate.gov
Vermont - Leahy, Patrick J. (D) - senator_leahy at leahy.senate.gov
Virginia - Robb, Charles S. (D) senator at robb.senate.gov
Virginia - Warner, John W. (R) - senator at warner.senate.gov
Washington - Gorton, Slade (R) - senator_gorton at gorton.senate.gov
Washington - Murray, Patty (D) - senator_murray at murray.senate.gov
West Virginia - Byrd, Robert C. (D) - senator_byrd at byrd.senate.gov
West Virginia - Rockefeller, John D., IV (D) - senator at rockefeller.senate.gov
Wisconsin - Feingold, Russell D. (D) - senator at feingold.senate.gov
Wisconsin - Kohl, Herb (D) - nator_kohl at kohl.senate.gov
Wyoming - Enzi, Mike (R) - senator at enzi.senate.gov
Wyoming - Thomas, Craig (R) - craig at thomas.senate.gov
Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation
JimFleming at unety.net
JimFleming at unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)
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