What triggered ARIN ?

Michael Dillon michael at MEMRA.COM
Thu Mar 6 20:08:40 EST 1997

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Stephen Satchell wrote:

> Also, I've seen suggestions from others that ARIN would
> have to lease space at major switching points in order to provide a
> wide-enough bandwidth for IN.ARPA.

I believe that this will not be the case mainly because I believe that
people are not fully aware of how in-addr.arpa operates. First of all,
the in-addr.arpa does not have to hold pointers to one zone for every 
allocated IP address block. Since the address space is hierarchical it is
possible to have the in-addr.arpa zone holding a pointer to the
193.in-addr.arpa zone on a separate set of nameservers. These nameservers
could further delegate 25.193.in-addr.arpa to a different set of
nameservers than 107.193.in-addr.arpa. In this way the load can be spread
to considerably more nameservers than if in-addr.arpa were organized as
a single flat zone file.

I know that there are plans afoot to move the COM/ORG/NET/EDU/GOV domains
off the root nameservers but I'm not sure what the plans are for
IN-ADDR.ARPA. However, if IN-ADDR.ARPA stayed on the roots then this
bandwidth issue would not arise. Perhaps someone who is more closely
involved with root servers I, J, K and L could comment on this.

Michael Dillon                   -               Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc.              -                  Fax: +1-250-546-3049
http://www.memra.com             -               E-mail: michael at memra.com

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