What triggered ARIN ?
Philip J. Nesser II
Thu Mar 6 19:42:59 EST 1997
Stephen Satchell supposedly said:
> At 2:06 AM -0700 3/6/97, The Innkeeper wrote:
> >> 2. Proposed location(s)
> >
> >What in the Hades does this have to do with it???
> Many of the issues regarding membership meetings and cost relate to the
> cost of space. Also, I've seen suggestions from others that ARIN would
> have to lease space at major switching points in order to provide a
> wide-enough bandwidth for IN.ARPA.
> ---
I think that any cost variations because of location are mostly lost in the
noise. Its true that there is a large difference between space in
Manhattan vs downtown podunk, but Reston is relatively average if you put
it anywhere near a major metro area. As for space at the exchange points,
those would be a fixed cost. If I want to plunk a machine at MAE East it
doesn't cost me any more if my home office is in Va or Alaska. (If I was
an ISP and routing traffic it would be a different point, but I suspect
that the servers would be housed at the exchange points negating the need
for dedicated lines to the exchange.
> Stephen Satchell, Satchell Evaluations
> http://www.accutek.com/~satchell for contact info
> Opinions expressed are my own PERSONAL opinions.
---> Phil
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