What triggered ARIN ?

Philip J. Nesser II pjnesser at MARTIGNY.AI.MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 5 23:31:25 EST 1997

Jim Fleming supposedly said:
> The more people you get involved the better...

Not necessarily true.  The more people who understand the issues...

> The more people with diverse backgrounds the better...
With the caveat above...

> The more ARIN-like organizations the better...
Very, very unclear.

> The more the Internet is distributed the better...

Address allocation is not the Internet.   It is something that needs to be

> --
> Jim Fleming
> Unir Corporation
> e-mail:
> JimFleming at unety.net
> JimFleming at unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)

--->  Phil

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