who elected Brian kahin king of the internet?

Gordon Cook cook at NETAXS.COM
Thu Jun 26 20:00:53 EDT 1997

from spangler's web week article:

                              "There were concerns about the structure of
the organization, that it was not
                              sufficiently open," said Brian Kahin, a
consultant in the White House's Office of
                              Science and Technology Policy and co-chair
of the interagency working group
                              overseeing the inquiry. "We're not sure
right now how public the review process
                              will be. If [the working group] is satisfied
that it will be open enough, ARIN
                              may not be up for public review." 

Flame on: so here we have an attorney who organizes harvard conferences
called down
to sit in judgement on NSF, scott bradner, randy bush, john curran and the
IETF process.  beg your pardon white house but next time you decide to
meddle get someone with knowldge of the subject and the respect of the

but if you look at the assinity that came from the president's press
secretary this evening saying that in order to protect our children from
the smut and pornography of the internet the administration would get
the equivalent of a "v-chip" created, you will see that these politicians
are far more interested in 'appearances" than in reality.

and yes jimmy....your raving asshole.... I made the mistake of looking at
your comment.  get one thing clear, bradner, bush and curran and kim have
more than adequate ability to plan arin without an y help from me.   flame
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