US CODE: Title 15, Chapter 1, Section 2.

John LeRoy Crain John.Crain at RIPE.NET
Fri Jan 31 12:04:09 EST 1997

 Karl Auerbach <karl at CAVEBEAR.COM> writes:
 * >         > An address registered with any other registry is a worthless
 * >         > address.  Yes, others can establish address registries.  However
 * >         > ARIN is the exclusive source for addresses within the only
 * >         > address space that is recognized by the routing of the internet.
 * >     
 * >     Is that so?  I think that Messrs. Karrenberg and Conrad might be
 * >     somewhat taken aback to find that all the integers they'd registered
 * >     had been of no use to the registrants.
 * OK, I hereby assign you the address  Good luck getting someone to
 * give you routing.

He was talking about RIPE NCC and APNIC. The fact is that ARIN is
not the only Regional Internet Registry. If RIPE NCC issues
195.x.x.x than it should be routable.

 * >     If your contention were true, nobody would be using the other
 * >     registries.  As the other registries appear to be doing a lively
 * >     business, I must conclude that you're being wilfully and purposely
 * >     clueless for rhetorical purposes.
 * Under this proposal ARIN will be the sole ultimate authority for IP
 * address allocations within North America.

The ultimate authority is IANA not ARIN.

 * So yes, I am clueless as to what other registries you could possibly be
 * thinking of.

 * >     What about ISPs, who sub-delegate?  What about transfers of
 * >     currently-outstanding ranges to people who wish to start competing
 * >     registries?  They would be in no way beholden to the ARIN.  I don't
 * >     see any more point to your rant than to Tim's.
 * ISPs who "sub-delegate".  Take note of the "sub" part.  The ultimate
 * source is ARIN.

No, IANA  would be the at the top of the pile, as it is with InterNIC.
Where the numbers come from is not changing.

John Crain

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