ARIN Proposal

Justin W. Newton justin at EROLS.COM
Fri Jan 24 17:13:38 EST 1997

At 12:41 PM 1/23/97 -0600, Karl Denninger wrote:
>Again, I'm not arguing that END CUSTOMERS should be able to take /24s with
>Please, folks, read what I'm writing here, not what you're assuming.
>I'm talking about *ISPs*, not end customer attachments.

So you are in effect arguing that /you/ shouldn't have to renumber if you
change a vendor relationship, but your customers should.  (Hey, don't let
them lock me into a contract with my vendor but lets make sure it sucks for
my customers if they try and leave me.)  Makes sense.  Can we move this to
PAGAN or PIARA or somewhere where it is more appropriate?

Justin Newton
Network Architect
Erol's Internet Services

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