ARIN proposal

Paul Ferguson pferguso at
Fri Jan 24 15:04:22 EST 1997


As has been indicated on more than one occasion, an updated
proposal will appear on the web page
within the next few day, which should address your concerns
and correct most of the ambiguity in the current proposal.

- paul

At 03:24 PM 1/22/97 PST, Steve Putz wrote:

>I have read the information on, and would like to submit
>my request that the proposal *not* be implemented.
>In particular, the proposal does not explain why the proposed high fees are
>needed or how the money will be spent.  Also the proposed non-profit
>organization does not have a published charter, goals or mission.
>Steve Putz
>Member of Research Staff
>Xerox Corporation
>Palo Alto Research Center
>3333 Coyote Hill Rd
>Palo Alto, CA 94304

Paul Ferguson                                           ||        ||
Consulting Engineering                                  ||        ||
Herndon, Virginia   USA                                ||||      ||||
tel: +1.703.397.5938                               ..:||||||:..:||||||:..
e-mail: pferguso at                         c i s c o S y s t e m s

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