Scaling ARIN proposal for small ISPs - and economic reality

Alan Barrett apb at IAFRICA.COM
Wed Jan 22 06:40:12 EST 1997

David Hakala wrote:
> I keep hearing this, and I keep asking what sense it makes for me to
> buy my most vital resource from my competitors. Just because this is
> how it *has* been doesn't mean it should continue to be so.

Please review the last n years of cidrd discussion.

> > 2.  The price is not for the IP addresses, its for the act of
> > registering the addresses.  It will not be possible for someone
> > to walk in and purchase IP addresses without having technical
> > justifications for needing them.
> I fail to see a pragmatic distinction, unless you're saying that I can
> be willing and able to license addresses (I've studiously avoided the
> term "buy") and ARIN could still refuse a license for reasons it need
> not have or reveal. That possibility REALLY scares me!

Oh, they would reveal the reason:  "Insufficient justification", or
words to that effect.  One of the main points of the registry is that it
checks each application to ensure that address space is not wasted.

> I don't get it - how are the prices my upstream provider charges
> guaranteed to be lower than those that ARIN charges?

You guarantee it, by choosing a provider that does not attempt to rip
you off.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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