Reject the NAIPR

Paul Ferguson pferguso at
Sun Jan 19 06:34:51 EST 1997

At 05:06 AM 1/19/97 -0500, Dorian R. Kim wrote:

>Hmm.. I'm confused as to how this will happen. In this hyper-competitive
>market place, ISPs won't be able to charge more than their cost for IP
>address registration and get away with it. In fact, it makes sense to just
>eat the registration costs (which is at most $78 per /24 per year assuming
>continuous allocation and minium /19 allocation and can be much less than $20
>per /24 per year) and undercut whomever is charging lots of money for it.

Sounds like good economics to me, but what do I know?  ;-)

- paul

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