Reject the NAIPR

Sat Jan 18 21:15:00 EST 1997

> At 06:16 PM 1/18/97 -0600, Brett L. Hawn wrote:
> >I beg to differ, in the end, the end-user will always lose, its a simple
> >matter of economics. You raise my prices, I raise theirs, otherwise I go out
> Please -- enough with the conspiracy theories.


I read these posts and there is no one discussing conspiracy
theories.  The poster pointed out the simple fact of
economics that when any goods or service cost more,
the cost is somehow passed on to the consumer.  If you
cannot accept this idea, I'm happy to meet you at Border's
Book Store and point you will a freshman college text
on Basic Economic Theory.

If you cannot substantiate your polemics with good logical
arguments, with a basis and solid metrics, etc., please do
not resort to the lowly technique of implying those
whom you disagree with are somehow 'crackpots'.
I have watched, for years on the network, over these
same issues, the same illogical and emotional counter-
arguments when people on the network desire to forward
a position which they have little logical basis or
the ability to articulate their position with solid

There is simply a better way to discuss controversial
subjects than falling back on arguments which are meant
to reduce, either directly or indirectly, the discussion
to a personal attack.

It is clear the same core group of individuals, who have
participate in both the BGP and CIDR  (and OPS) development
side of IETF (and their supports) are highly favorable
in moving toward a world where IP address space costs
money.  It is not a secret that the group has advocated
using this technique to reduce the growth of the
IP forwarding tables in routers and to encourage
provider based aggregation.

It is also clear, that there is another group of people
who do not agree with the provider based paradigm nor
the concept for charging for IP address space.

It is also clear, it seems, that the group whom advocates
charging and economic incentives will resort to just
about any tactic to silence the opposition, even it
if requires going very, very low into personal attacks.

Okay, we disagree.  Geezzze!  What kind of world is it
when hard working, well intending, well educated,
people cannot disagree without remaining honorable
toward each other?

In defense of Mr. Fleming, his views may be quite differnet
than others, but he is just trying to do what he believes
in his hard working heart is correct.  Please do not
create monsters and criminals, everyone on the list, out of those
whom you disagree. It is not healthy.

Okay, back to the long standing, power struggle of the
last 5 years :)  Personally, I disagee with most of the
charging, using the almighty dollar, to control the net.
However, I still like and respect those whom have a
different position.  I even love a few of them! Life
is too short to create enemies out of hard working
folks whom we disagree.

However, I do not appreciate deception, and based on
what I've read over the years, there is quite a lot
of deception going on.

Best Regards,


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