Info Request on updated proposal

Kim Hubbard kimh at
Fri Jan 17 17:44:12 EST 1997

> > Kim
> Hi Kim;
> Do you have a rough idea when the updated proposal will be available?
> Many of us have been following the ongoing discussions on here and I
> suspect I speak for many when I say we are eagerly looking forward to the
> updated proposal.
> Ward

Understood.  I would say middle of next week at the latest.  Actually,
all of the details have pretty much been ironed out (at least where
the BoT is concerned) it's just a matter of making sure it's clear
to you the reader.


> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Ward R. Goodwin Jr.        Mountain Internet, Inc.      sysadmin at
> System Administrator       P.O. Box 1939                wardish at
> Voice - (540) 935-4141     Grundy, VA  24614            Fax - (540) 597-2413
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>   Meddle not in my affairs, for you are mortal and taste good with ketchup...
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Opinions expressed here don't necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer.
>          Of course it's possible they don't reflect mine either...<G>
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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