Global council of registries???

Jim Fleming JimFleming at
Mon Apr 28 22:23:23 EDT 1997

On Monday, April 28, 1997 12:59 PM, Michael Dillon[SMTP:michael at MEMRA.COM] wrote:
@ On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Jim Fleming wrote:
@ > Yeah...that is what people want...
@ > line up here....take your ARIN pill....and watch
@ > your information be broadcast at the next sushi party...
@ You must have me confused with someone else. I'm definitely
@ a "chow mein" person and have only ever eaten sushi twice in my life.
@ My favorite fish is a nice baked salmon.
@ > Your statements and your continual lobbying
@ > of selected ISPs and InterNIC insiders does
@ > nothing to advance the Internet.
@ *chuckle* 
@ Now that's an AMAZING statement to come from the keyboard of
@ Jim Fleming, the Internet's best-known and least-loved lobbyist.

Michael, Michael...

"best-known" ? - do not even know me...

"least-loved" ? - how can you say that when we work
so well together ? Keep in mind that if someone is 100%
predictable, they are ineffective...can you imagine what
would happen if we ever agreed on anything ?...right, you
would have to switch to the opposite view...and you do....


@ PS. For the record, I don't believe that any network architecture or
@ business plan information that is submitted to ARIN should be revealed to
@ anyone other than the network engineers that make the allocations.
@ In other words, the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Council members
@ should *NOT* have access to this information. This is generally know as
@ a "need to know" policy in that information is only divulged to those 
@ people who have a legitimate need to know regardless of their rank.
@ Michael Dillon                   -               Internet & ISP Consulting
@ Memra Software Inc.              -                  Fax: +1-250-546-3049
@             -               E-mail: michael at

For the record, I do not think it matters what you
think. People are people and they are going to
clearly do what they think is best for the Internet.
Unfortunately, some people think that they can
define what is best by what they want to do...
fortunately, getting many people involved will
shut that stuff down cold...that is why ARIN is not
going anywhere...people quickly saw through the
agendas, which of course were not on the web site...

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

Check out...http://www.Naperville.Mall

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