Global council of registries???

Philip J. Nesser II pjnesser at MARTIGNY.AI.MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 28 16:25:56 EDT 1997

Jim Fleming supposedly said:
> @ Great.  Lets have some yes cases then!  (And I don't think a company
> @ without a clue who hire a knowledgeble consultant to get the job done is
> @ evidence of any conspiracy.  Lets have situations where a company
> @ *shouldn't* be granted address space on technical reasons who gets it
> @ because someone knows someone.)
> @ 
> would you like to start with the MIT Class A ???

Do you know anything of both Internet history and IP?  In its early life I
only had 8 bit network numbers and 24 bit host addresses, then we got
classes (A/B/C/D/E) and the we got subnets, and then we got supernets
(CIDR).  MIT and all the other universities and companies who were part of
early IP research have class A's because thats all there were when they
joined the game.  To be clear, all of the assignments were *fair*.
Criteria change over time.  MIT did not get 18/8 because Jeff Schiller is
Jon Postels nephew or some such nonsense.  They happened to be the 18th
network to join the arpanet (more or less).

I can't build a building to 1970 standards because the building next door
was built in 1970.  In the late 80's and early 90's people got /16 networks
relatively easy.  Did they know people or was it a good old boys network
because they require significantly more justification now?

Lets have some facts based in truth and not conspiracy whispers.

--->  Phil

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